Itchy Skin & Ear infections

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As pet owners, we want our furry friends to be comfortable and healthy. However, sometimes pets can develop itchy skin or ear infections, causing them significant discomfort. If your pet is exhibiting symptoms such as excessive biting or scratching of the skin or ears, it's best to take them to a veterinarian for pet itchy skin or ear infection treatment. At Arrow Animal Hospital in Los Lunas, our veterinarians are ready to help your pet find relief from dry, itchy skin and troublesome ear infections. 



Signs of Pet Itchy Skin

Pets can experience various types of allergies, and one symptom of allergies includes pet itchy skin. When your pet suffers from itchy skin, you may notice they are biting and scratching the area with dry skin to try to find relief from the discomfort. Your pet may also develop bald patches in their fur where they have itched or bitten the fur away. Over time, your pet may develop red patches on their skin or open wounds from their nails or teeth breaking the skin.


Signs of a Pet Ear Infection

If your pet is constantly shaking its head or scratching at their ear, they may have an ear infection. Additionally, some animals with a pet ear infection have discharge or a foul odor coming from the ears. If your pet is experiencing any of these symptoms, including sensitivity when touched in the area around the ears, it's best to see a vet at a Los Lunas Animal Clinic for diagnosis and treatment.


Treatment for Itchy Skin and Pet Ear Infections

It's best to see a veterinarian for itchy skin and pet ear infections for treatment and care. In most cases, the vet will give your pet medication, such as a pet-safe antihistamine, to help treat the cause and provide pain relief. At home, you can bathe your pet in an oatmeal bath to help soothe their skin. Additionally, if the cause of your pet's allergies is apparent, you can remove the items from your pet's environment.


Visit Arrow Animal Hospital Today

If your pet is showing signs and symptoms associated with itchy skin or an ear infection, our veterinarians at Arrow Animal Hospital in Los Lunas are ready to help. We will take care of your pet's allergies quickly, treating all symptoms, and making sure your pet is happy and comfortable again. Call our office today at (505) 865-1826 to schedule an appointment for treatment.


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8:30 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 5:30 pm
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8:00 am - 5:30 pm
8:00 am - 5:30 pm
8:30 am - 3:00 pm